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American Curl

Distinguished by truly unique ears that curl back in a graceful arc, offering an alert, perky, happily surprised expression, they cause people to break out into a big smile when viewing their first Curl. Curls are very people-oriented, faithful, affectionate soulmates, adjusting remarkably fast to other pets, children, and new situations.

Origin country: United States
Life Span: 12 - 16 years
Weight: 2 - 5 kg (5 - 10 lbs)
Temperament: Affectionate, Curious, Intelligent, Interactive, Lively, Playful, Social
Adaptability: 5
Affection Level: 5
Child Friendly: 4
Dog Friendly: 5
Energy Level: 3
Grooming: 2
Health Issues: 1
Intelligence: 3
Shedding Level: 3
Social Needs: 3
Stranger Friendly: 3
Vocalisation: 3